
Ms. Maskie is a London based clothing brand created to reincarnate pre-loved (or pre-neglected) clothing items into beautiful, unusual, thought protecting headwear. Each maskie is one of one and handmade in London. 

Founded in 2019, Mariah Turner (California Girl) found herself in a London winter determined to overcome her sensitivity to the chilling city air, she discovered her only option was to transform a second hand sweater into something that lent warmth to her thoughts and protection to her head using kitchen scissors, a needle, and rainbow coloured yarn. From there, others showed interest in the raggedy blue Maskie with “I SEE YOU” stitched on the back, leading to the creation of Ms. Maskie. 

Current maskies are homemade with mismatched, colourful threads that allude to the original maskie design. Materials range and are not always known due to the nature of selection; meaning not all maskies are suitable for vegans, but are suitable for those who wish to disguise themselves as an unnaturally coloured rabbit, pebble, or other ,yet to be created, shape.